Will that Moustached Warbler which was singing just a moment ago please come out from the base of the reeds and show itself to us? My companion Jim has come all the way from Japan to watch birds and a reasonable glimpse of a Moustached Warbler would round off the morning nicely.
That’s one of the things about birding, above all about bird guiding. Sometimes the birds you have been checking on all week seem to get cold feet just at the time when it counts the most: when you’ve told your companion that this is a really good place for Bonelli’s Eagle, or that Wallcreepers turn up on this particular rock face with great regularity in the winter months. Then when you’re standing there waiting, waiting…
Then there are the moments when you detect a bird you didn’t expect.. Like a Moustached Warbler singing in a narrow line of reeds in the Llobregat Delta. You stop, listen and wait, knowing that the bird is there. But does it show? No, not today!
But I’m not complaining, not really. After all in just two hours in the Llobregat delta we saw a lot of key birds, like Audouin’s Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Glossy Ibis, Greater Flamingo, Penduline Tit, Velvet Scoter and even a couple of Balearic Shearwaters at close range.
So no complaining. That’s birding!
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