Birding in Spain Advent Calendar 2023


Only a week to go until December 25th or, for many of us, Christmas Day. That will bring us to the last post in this “advent calendar” series. But until then, there’s a whole week of nature images and motivational quotes for you all to enjoy.

Why am I doing this?

Well, I remember when I was a kid when me, my younger sister and brother took turns in opening the little squares on the advent calendar hung somewhere where I forget, and revealing a chocolate treat moulded into the shape of something that had some resonance with Christmas or the “festive season”. It could be a Christmas tree, a sleigh, a stocking to be filled with gifts, holly leaves with berries, and so on. We were kids back then and not adults shaped by cynicism about the power and the opportunism of marketing. For us it was something just a little bit different, just a little bit special.

So I’m hoping that these images and the experience as a whole is just a little bit different, just a little bit special.

Special effects Griffon Vultures in flight


Never regret anything that made you smile

Mark Twain

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