Unique BirdingInSpain.com T-shirts available

We’ve really splashed out here at BirdinginSpain and have just had 100 unique T-shirts printed with the BirdingInSpain.com logo. The logo is on a white background and the size range includes S, M, L, XL and XXL.

BirdingInSpain.com t-shirt

These T-shirts will not be available to the general public I’m afraid. Only to BirdingInSpain.com clients, and on request.

BirdingInSpain guide with new t-shirt

By the way, I must admit I got a bit of a shock when Florinda politely observed that my size was more of an XL than an L or even an M!

One Response to “Unique BirdingInSpain.com T-shirts available”

  1. Les Eastman Says:
  2. Hi Steve,
    I was on the recent Bird Treks tour that you led.
    I really enjoyed the trip.
    I would like to buy one of your T-shirts, size XXL.

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