New digiscoping book by Spanish authors

Recently a brand new digiscoping book fell into my hands courtesy of Xavier Esteller of Swarovski Optik in Barcelona. It was written by various Spanish authors, all experts in this particular field of bird photography.

Digiscoping: una mirada de cerca

Its 216 pages are crammed with photos of birds, digiscoping instruments, techniques and computer screen images to take the reader through the whole process of digiscoping birds and other wildlife, through choosing the most suitable equipment, field technique, etc. to retouching and image optimization on the computer.

The English version was recently translated by John Muddeman, with my own humble contribution of two chapters also in there somehwere. Its hardback, glossy, in full colour and complete. An ideal buy for anyone embarked on the long and wondrous voyage of bird photography, and especially for those with an interest in digiscoping.

One Response to “New digiscoping book by Spanish authors”

  1. Bob Turner Says:
  2. Where may the English version be purchased?

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