
Other Photo Trips - European Photo Trips

Birds and Hide Photography -

Other Photo Trips


Mijn eerste ontmoeting met Steve West vond plaats toen ik de prachtige Lammergieren ging gaan fotograferen in Spanje. De dagen in de hut bij de Lammergieren waren fantastisch, en ik schoot meer dan 1000 foto's elke
dag. Het was duidelijk dat het La Sabina-team (bestaande uit Steve, Jordi Bas, en Ramon Orpinell) veel werk
hadden verzet om de natuurtotografen schitterende kansen te bieden. Ze weten duidelijk wat wij verlangen en
nodig hebben!

Ik besloot om enkele groepsreizen te organiseren om het spektakel van de Lammergieren te tonen aan mijn
Belgische vrienden. De trips bleken zeer succesvol, en ik wou nog meer reizen organiseren naar Catalonië, en
keerde de daaropvolgende lente terug.

Toen ik aankwam in de steppes van Catalonië in de lente van 2011, kon ik nauwelijks mijn ogen (en neus) geloven. De velden, die in de winter er maar droog en dor bijlagen, waren nu omgetoverd in schitterende bloementapijten en frisgroene graanvelden, omringd door brede bermen met bloeiende klaprozen en lekker geurende Thijm. En dat allemaal onder een concert van baltsende Kleine trappen, her en der verspreid over de velden. Dit was mijn speelterrein geclurende de week.

Zoals je je kan voorstellen, had ik een zalige week, met schitterende observaties van Kleine trappen baltsend vlak voor de hut, Grauwe kiekendieven rustend en poetsend op stokken rond de hut geplaatst, Steenuilen, Bijeneters, Hop,...

Recent heeft La Sabina ook een aantal nieuwe hutten gemaakt voor verschillende roofvogel-soorten. Ik was zeer nieuwsgierig naar de Havikarend-hut dus boekte ik enkele alagen vorige winter. Ook hier hebben Steve, Jordi en Ramon terug een schitterende klus volbracht, de hut is niet alleen perfect gebouwd met een gigantisch zicht dankzij het grote spiegelglas-room, ook de achtergrond is zeer mooi, en de richting is zeer goed geörienteerd. De afstand tot de vogels is verbazingwekkend (met mijn 600mm lens kreeg ik ze nog net in beeld!), want hoewel ze zeer dicht komen, zijn ze ondertussen zeer gewoon aan de hut, en kijken niet meer op van het camera-geluid.

Ik ben er zeker van dat La Sabina nog veel plannen heeft in de toekomst om ons te verwennen met sublieme fotokansen. Ik kan alvast niet wachten tot Steve me opnieuw en mail stuurt om een nieuwe hut in Catalonië aan te kondigen!

Tijdens onze uitstappen hier in Catalonié zijn we steeds te gust in het zeer sfeervolle gasthuis in Montsonis, bij de uiterst vriendelijke Carmen en Ramon en hun enthousiaste team. Ze bereiden de lekkerste maaltijden, begeleid met lokale wijnen, rechtstreeks uit de eigen wijnkelder, in de grotten onder het eeuwenoude kasteel van het dorp.

Tierra Photo Tours organiseert verschillende reizen per jaar naar Spanje, in kleine groep, met telkens verschillende doelsoorten om te fotograferen als Lammergieren, Havikarend, Kleine trap, ... 




Clients Feedback - Read all

We’ve just come back from a fantastic 7 days “Marvellous May” birding trip with Steve and Florinda in NE Spain. From our first contact to our final goodbyes at the airport, we were treated with friendly professionalism. Steve’s knowledge of bird...
J. Bradshaw, Liverpool, UK
Trip Date: May 2019
Thank you so much for taking us out, it was such a lovely day- We appreciate it....
Adrienne Ottenburg, USA
Trip Date: Jan 2015
Once again, thanks for your excellent & expert guiding on 16th/17th April, thoroughly enjoyed by all of us. The highlights for me at least were Dupont’s Lark, Bonellis Eagle, the Penduline tits & the Black winged Kite....
Dave and Ann White, UK
Trip Date: April 2015
We wanted to tell you again what a great experience it was birding with you while we were in Spain a couple of weeks ago. It was certainly one of the highlights of our family vacation. ...
Allan and Linda Kellar, USA
Trip Date: Aug 2015
Hi Steve, great trip. Really loved Spain as well as the birds. Have told all my friends best way to see Spain is to do a birding trip with you…thanks for your great company sense of humour and of course, the birds. Glad you liked the books. Cheers. Kare...
Karen Blake, AUS
Trip Date: May 2015
Steve was excellent - very knowledgeable and quite an exceptional 'ear'for bird calls - if he were a Shearwater, would have no problem finding his nest in the dark!!...
Roger Buchanan, UK
Trip Date: April 2014
Unlike some of the others on the trip, this was my first time birding in another country, and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. However, the fact that it was so enjoyable was undoubtedly due to being in the company of you both. From the moment ...
B. Wonderley, UK
Trip Date: May 2019
Hi, just wanted to say thank you again for a wonderful birding tour on Sunday. My mission was to see a Wallcreeper, and while I was so impressed with your knowledge of so many other birds and their songs, I really had tunnel vision on the Wallcreeper. Wel...
Gloria, California
Trip Date: September 2023
Thanks again for such a great trip! We both thoroughly enjoyed the birding, the scenic wonders and, as ever, your company. ...Hope it's not too long before we see you again....
Garry and Wendy Philpott, UK
Trip Date: Feb 2015
In September 2018, together with my non birding son, I went on a 10 day tour of Iceland led by Steve West of Birding In Spain. Steve worked tirelessly to find the birds and we had a very successful birding trip. He also managed to incorporate all the imp...
I. McQuade, UK
Trip Date: October 2018
Made it back in one piece, can't say the same for all the souvenirs though. Hahaha! Wanted to send you a note and say how much I appreciated your flexibility, especially as circumstances evolved and changed. Face-to-face interaction proved decisive—and ...
Scott, USA
Trip Date: August 2023
Thank you ever so much for your wonderful guiding which practically completed my entire wish-list! My trip was so successful and significant birdwise that I decided to write a report. I look forward to further birding adventures with you., , Book: I read ...
Mikko Pyhälä, Finland
Trip Date: May 2014
We really did have a great time and appreciated all your hard work on our behalf - the hotel was great and the area stunning, we are still boasting to anyone who will listen about the variety and number of different birds we saw!...
Lyn and David Gillie, UK
Trip Date: Nov 2014
Thanks again for a great birding adventure and for sharing your knowledge. I particularly enjoyed the first day and the beautiful landscape in which the birds live ... Reading your book prior to the trip was a nice introduction to your area and the birds...
Kathryn Askin, USA
Trip Date: Sep 2015
On behalf of a group of Aussies I would say that we thoroughly enjoyed the diverse landscapes and birds of Spain in the excellent company of Steve West. Steve combined film star looks [see Ben Kingsley in the ‘Birder’s Guide to Everything’], a grea...
Ken Cross, AUS
Trip Date: May 2015
Steve - thank you for your wonderful work in showing me all of my target species while in Aragon. Your knowledge of the area and the bird species, as well as your knowledge of Spanish history and Spain's birds in general are tremendous. I really appreci...
Rob Wallace, USA
Trip Date: May 2014
Dear Steve, Just a short message to say many thanks again for your excellent guiding services over the last few days. We really enjoyed our time with you and benefitted from your superb field skills and knowledge and feel privileged to have been shown you...
A. & R. Lapworth, UK
Trip Date: February 2017
We both thoroughly enjoyed the whole trip with Steve who was an excellent guide, very helpful, knowledgeable and friendly. The area was stunning and the birding very rewarding for both the experienced and novice birder....
Lyn Gillie, UK
Trip Date: November 2014
Huge thanks for your kindness and expertise especially in our journey in Lleida’s habitats and its fine and also endemic bird species, just what we had dreamed before in Finland. Fantastic....
Ulla and Leimo Kangas, Finland
Trip Date: April 2014
Just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for an excellent trip. We both had a great time and the birding was excellent. Your choice of hotels was excellent and we would be happy to use them again....
Andrew and Maureen Day, UK
Trip Date: Oct 2015
Many, many thank’s for a great week with BirdingInSpain. Well organized tour from start to finish, relaxed but still active birding days, very nice travel companions, an inspiring and knowledgable tour leader, fantastic sceneries, comfortable hotels and...
M. & L. Ivar, Sweden
Trip Date: May 2018
I couldn't have asked for or wanted a better guide. You not only showed me the birds, but you also educated me on their behaviours and habits. I also appreciated your knowledge of the history of the areas we toured. And your passion and love of birds and ...
Donna, Canada
Trip Date: July 2023
We’ve had a great time birding in Spain. Thank you for taking care of us. We surely had some good birds and so many species! More than we’ve hoped for. I’m very happy with the four new species Duponts and Moustached Warbler in particular made me ver...
Michiel, the Netherlands
Trip Date: April 2022
The 3 days in the bird hides were the highlight of my European trip and I'll treasure the memories. You organised everything brilliantly and I enjoyed meeting you and spending time with you. ...
Ian Montgomery, AUS
Trip Date: Oct 2014
Three mates and I had a fantastic tour with Birding in Spain seeing 150+ species including all our targets including Bonelli’s Eagles, both Bustards and Wallcreeper. Steve West’s knowledge of the birds of the area is formidable, as are his call recogn...
Lee Wilkinson, UK
Trip Date: April 2016
Many thank for a fantastic birding photo trip in Catalonia. From the first contact up to the accommodation and food everything was perfect and very well organised, in a professional manner. Cherry on the cake the lammergeiers were present, and I came bac...
Jean-Christian PIOCH , France
Trip Date: December 2016
Just returned from our 3rd trip and now planning a 4th Steve West has produced another excellent 5 day tour, this time to Extremadura in winter. Great hotel, all our target birds found. 1,000s of Common Cranes, up close to Vultures and the stunning Span...
Steve Lane, UK
Trip Date: 2017
A good time was had by all - thanks for a successful inaugural tour of Spain’s natural areas. From my perspective it was just the right mix of birds, nature, and culture....
Linda Ingram, USA
Trip Date: June 2014
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Those words seem hardly enough to express Lucy and my true satisfaction with our birding trip. Your expert guiding and the friendship developed over the past 12 days has made this such a memorable experience for us. It has...
Len and Lucy, North Carolina, USA
Trip Date: March 2022
Thank you for putting together a most wonderful birding experience! ...
M. Helmold, USA
Trip Date: May 2018
Just a quick note to thank you for your assistance in making the necessary arrangements for my recent trip. In short it was exceptional! Alongside the actual trip itself I have to commend you on your cooperation and communication in its preparation, it w...
C. Young, Australia
Trip Date: May 2019
Hello Steve and Florinda! We're back in Arizona, rested up and ready to travel to Wyoming for the rest of the summer. I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the Marvelous May trip we recently went on with you. Everything worked out perfectly - th...
J. & R. Knourek, USA
Trip Date: May 2019
Thanks for yet another great trip; we enjoyed the relaxed and exploratory itinerary, the varied landscapes and the friendly, well-chosen hotels. I was fascinated by the massive granite stonework around Hoyorredondo and loved the nocturnal soundscape of co...
Cliff and Judith, UK
Trip Date: June 2022
Peter and I really enjoyed these birding days with you. We have seen a lot of new birds and have learned a lot from you about birds, their behaviour, their habitats, etc. It’s always a pleasure to be on excursion with you. Thank you for all the unforget...
Vreni and Peter, Switzerland
Trip Date: April 2023
Steve - Everything was perfect on our birding adventure! The accommodations were exceptional, and the food was great. Your expert birding knowledge combined with your knowledge of the area made our trip a success. We enjoyed meeting and getting to know yo...
Fred and Josie, Texas, USA
Trip Date: April 2023
I have arranged 2 group trips with Steve, his patience in the planning stage and helpful suggestions, have made for 2 very successful and enjoyable trips. He worked very hard to find all our target birds on both trips, from Wallcreeper to Lammergeier in t...
Steve Lane, UK
Trip Date: April 2015
Thanks very much for a fantastic Winter Wallcreeper tour. It was a great success. The pick-ups, drop-offs, accomodation and food, and the lunchtime pic-nics and transport from site to site were all organised very well and very relaxed, comfortable and enj...
Geoff, Republic of Ireland
Trip Date: November 2022
Thank You Steve, for an incredible birding experience. Over two days, our very keen son saw over 90 new species in Spain. But the mere counting of species does not do justice to the experience. The diversity of habitats, the sense of when to linger and wh...
Marilyn and Larry Koval , Canada
Trip Date: November 2019
We had a lovely time and so enjoyed not only seeing so unexpectedly many birds, loads of them for the first time, but also being in your expert, excellent and inspiring company. We are all fired up to learn more about birds now and both regret not having ...
S. & S. Whiting, UK
Trip Date: April 2017
Just to let you know we had a great time last week. I have rather a lot of shots to go through, Rollers stole the show for us this time, so we will have to come back for some Bee Eaters! Thanks for everything, roll on next time....
Howard Kearley, UK
Trip Date: June 2015
Our trip to Iceland with you was hotly anticipated and it didn't disappoint. Thanks you for organising such an interesting itinerary. The scenery was magnificent as were the birds, seals, whales, etc. The Golden Plover sitting on a little mound while w...
M. Davis, UK
Trip Date: October 2018
We’ve had two previous, very successful, trips to Spain with Steve West of Birding in Spain (Asturias & Cantabria and Navarra & Aragón) so when we started thinking of a visit to Extremadura we naturally asked Stave to plan a two-week trip to suit our i...
Kath & Mick Claydon, UK
Trip Date: April 2023
Steve,Thank you, thank you, thank you! Those words seem hardly enough to express Lucy and my true satisfaction with our birding trip. Your expert guiding and the friendship developed over these past 12 days have made this such a memorable experience for u...
Len and Lucy FUMI , USA
Trip Date: March 2022
I travel frequently as vice president of the outdoor apparel company Patagonia, and when I can, I add a day to business trips for birding. I found Steve by a Google search, and I couldn’t have had a better day outside of Barcelona. Steve is an expert gu...
Rick Ridgeway, California, USA
Trip Date: October 2016
I cannot say enough about our two-day birding trip with Steve--it exceeded our expectations in so many ways! Steve thoughtfully planned our time in the Ebro Delta and surrounding area. He was always on time, took us to the birding hotspots, provided lot...
T. Beach, USA
Trip Date: November 2016