Sites worth visiting around The Sierras of Cardó and Boix

Cardó Massif :

Take a guided tour around the impressive Cova de les Meravelles at Benifallet. Stalactites, stalagmites and a cool place to be in the summer!

Visit the village of Miravet and its restored Templers' castle. Originally built by the Muslims it was one of their last strongholds in Catalonia until it was conquered in the 12th Century.

Cave Paintings of Cabrafreixet in the Sierra del Boix. The oldest paintings of their type in Catalonia, between 25,000 and 15,000 years old. In the nearby cave of La Mallada 1,700 flint tools have been found.

The Ibers Interpretation Centre in Tivissa. A journey through the history of the region from prehistoric times, to the Ibers and the Romans. Archaeological remains at Castellet de Banyoles.